Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Builder Ted, Numerical Order; Rank: Lima

"The roof is leaking, Dougal Dog is getting wet. Help Builder Ted repair the roof by placing bricks in numerical order on the ladder."

Bean class:


Builder Ted is a great way for kids of all ages to learn numerical order. With a cute and quirky look and three seperate levels available to play, Builder Ted is a great learning rescourse for all ages.
With funny British and Australian remarks like 'Crikey' and a non-realistic look for a human, Builder Ted will definitely keep kids interest.

Here is a link to this Math Game:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bean's P. S. A. #1= Negative to Positive

Ask yourself this if times are tough right now...

  1. Have I ever been sucked up into a tornado?
  2. Have I ever broken my back?
  3. Have I ever been in a car crash?
  4. Have I ever broken my femur bone?
  5. Have I ever been burnt severely by scalding water?
  6. Has all of my hair fallen out?
  7. Have I ever been hit by lightning?

If the answer to all these questions are no, then look around you. People are suffering and even though times are tough for you right now, people who you are looking at are worse. Some of us have never even had a surgery in their lives, others of us have had six. Some people with severe medical conditions even more.

I hope this helps you to look at things in a more positive light and maybe that 'what if' factor will help you understand how miniscule these things you're worrying about really are.

A Public Service Announcement By Bean