Monday, December 20, 2010

Whoa! That's awesome!

Whoa! That's awesome!

This month on Club Penguin we're celebrating Christmas, and giving back as well. Every Christmas time, Rockhopper travels to Club Penguin in his pirate ship to launch the legendary
'Coins For Change' drive. Every time a penguin donates his coins, money is donated to different charities depending on the one you pick. You can help the environment and developments in medicine.

In a way Club Penguin is teaching kids like us how to give back, and that even though Penguin coins are a lot easier to get than our money, you have to work to get anywhere in life. Thanks for brightening up a lot of lives this holiday season!

- Bean

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Election results: Thanks!

Dear my loyal readers,
Two days ago it was announced that I, Bean Redbean, became secretary of my school. It is very exciting for me of course, and I'd like to thank all my friends that helped this to be possible.

Rankfei Emde
Ritsnek Cajbos
Uotnyerc Kpem
and of course my older friends:
kcjaei oerydvise

Thank all you guys and all the other people that made this possible,
Bean Redbean

Insane Motorcross: Lima Bean

Bean Rank: Lima Bean
If you're looking for an insane motorcross game this is the place to look. Motorcross combined with 3D action and realistic sounds and noises makes for an amazing realistic expierience just on your computer screen. Choose your gender, personalize your character, and hit the winding track forever tilting downward striving for first place. Also get a special discount coupon for anyone who plays. Get five dollars off your purchase at the etnies store.

Playing Tip: Don't hit the 'Etnies' boxes on the side if you don't want to go splat on the dirt road and try to turn before the actual turn comes to avoid hitting these boxes or anything else that might be in your path.

Now, hit the track and have fun gaming.
Your friend,

P.S. Thanks to Etnies and (CAUTION: this site does not open in a new window)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Status Update

Harry Potter sorting hat quiz:
Results: Hufflepuff- where dwell the good at heart!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Builder Ted, Numerical Order; Rank: Lima

"The roof is leaking, Dougal Dog is getting wet. Help Builder Ted repair the roof by placing bricks in numerical order on the ladder."

Bean class:


Builder Ted is a great way for kids of all ages to learn numerical order. With a cute and quirky look and three seperate levels available to play, Builder Ted is a great learning rescourse for all ages.
With funny British and Australian remarks like 'Crikey' and a non-realistic look for a human, Builder Ted will definitely keep kids interest.

Here is a link to this Math Game:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bean's P. S. A. #1= Negative to Positive

Ask yourself this if times are tough right now...

  1. Have I ever been sucked up into a tornado?
  2. Have I ever broken my back?
  3. Have I ever been in a car crash?
  4. Have I ever broken my femur bone?
  5. Have I ever been burnt severely by scalding water?
  6. Has all of my hair fallen out?
  7. Have I ever been hit by lightning?

If the answer to all these questions are no, then look around you. People are suffering and even though times are tough for you right now, people who you are looking at are worse. Some of us have never even had a surgery in their lives, others of us have had six. Some people with severe medical conditions even more.

I hope this helps you to look at things in a more positive light and maybe that 'what if' factor will help you understand how miniscule these things you're worrying about really are.

A Public Service Announcement By Bean

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Passion in Surfing (a Review for's surfing/bodyboarding section by Jay DiMartino) a great place for all your surfing and body boarding needs. Whether you're researching the newest type of fin for your surfboard or curious about the term "surfing the Internet" Jay DiMartino, writer for's surfing and body boarding section has it all covered.
Have you been wondering exactly how to train your child to surf? In a few easy steps, Jay can help you understand your child's surfing ability. Along with helpful photographs of both young and experienced surfers, Jay's site has everything you need and might want to know about the world of surfing!
And don't forget Jay's tried out all the boards and equipment too. I talked with him in the hallway of his cozy home and found out just how passionate about surfing.
"I love surfing," Jay says, "My children love surfing. It's been a lifestyle for me ever since I was a kid, and even now that I'm all grown up I am fortunate to be able to write about my favorite subject."
Jay also says, "I am so excited to be educating people on the art of surfing and the equipment that comes with it."
Well, it's obvious through his writing that Jay is very passionate about the art of surfing and that he hopes to spread the joy he feels every time he ride the waves to the whole world if he can.
Exclusively by Bean.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Newest E-Louai

Come on and check out my doll!!! And make a doll yourself!!! So much fun!!

Pompeii: The Story of the Disaster

Many people in Pompeii and the towns near it did not know that Vesuvius (the volcano that buried Pompeii) was a volcano. They assumed that it was just a hill. In the eighth century BC the volcano was active but it had remained dormant for eight-hundred years. By the first-century AD however pressure had grown considerably inside Vesuvius because of a plug of hardened lava. Because of this pressure on February Fifth, sixty-two AD earthquakes shook Southern Italy.
Seventeen years after the earthquakes earth tremors started again. Streams around Vesuvius dried up. On the 24th of August,79 AD pressure inside the volcano blew out the lava-hard plug and turned Vesuvius into a full-scale erupting volcano. Tons of volcanic lava, pumice and ashes were rocketed into the sky. This was called fall-out.
The cloud was blown Southward over Pompeii and killed thousands. The cloud dumped millions of tons down on Pompeii burying it completely. People died not just from suffocation, but also from rooves collapsing. Pompeiians' roofs were only built for rain and other light elements and the people that were still in the houses after the pumice rained down for hours were killed in this way.
After the eruption the center of Vesuvius was reveealed to have been blown out and the sides fell-in to form a vast crater more than eleven kilometers in circumference. Since 79 AD a new cone has formed on the Southside of Vesuvius but, the north-east wall of the old crater lives on under the name Monte Somma.
It is estimated that more than two-thousand people died within the town of Pompeii while many bodies were found strewn across the countryside from poisonous gases and other things.
To have you understand exactly how much ash fell on top of Pompeii, there are twelve layers of sand spanning four meters. If you would understand, a full grown human would be just under two meters tall. The twelve layers are.
  1. lava pebbles
  2. light white pumice
  3. heavier grey pumice
  4. greenish gray pumice
  5. hardened volcanic sand
  6. Lapilli
  7. sandy ash with carbonized wood
  8. ash
  9. lapilli (again)
  10. ash (again)
  11. lapilli (again)
  12. top soil

This horrible disaster is a fascinating subject for many because of the enormity of it.

Interested? Check out the movie

  • Pompeii: The Last Days

and where this information came from

  • Pompeii, by Peter Connolly

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Spin around the street lamp
Sit down on the couch
And watch the day go by
Stay together for hours
Create a garage sale
Fall down and cry
Me myself and I
Who knows what I said
Who knows what I'm talking about
But I'll tell you instead

On my street I'll
Make a ghost
That ranges from the end
In the back yard
We'll do back flips
While mommy lays sick in bed

We'll play Wii for hours
With our best friends
Cross the street
I miss when things were simpler
Than this

We'll pack our bags
And be glad
Cause we're going on a field trip
Riding in
A different car
And watching things go by
Might feel like days
Might feel like hours
But you know we'll get there soon

Twice Upon a Marigold, Jean Ferris

Today I just finished reading Twice Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris. I really loved this book. After the first novel which is much more of a romantic love story than this one, this book was an action thriller. After Queen Olympia fell into a river and knocked her head on a rock, she forgot she was a Queen and renamed herself Angie while living in a small town of Granolah downriver from Beaurivage, the town in which she fell in the river. This Queen Olympia was a horrible tyrant and when she regains her memory it's back to her old ways and it's up to the newlyweds Christian and Marigold to stop it. The problem is they're having a lot of fights whether it's over knock-knock jokes or something even weirder. However, it's still up to them to stage a rebellion before the King, Magnus, and Christian's father Edric are hung in the town square on market day. However, even after Olympia is defeated a battle rages inside the Queen's head. Will the tyrant Olympia win in all her evil ways or the sweet and lovable Angie? It's yours to find out.
TIP: It's better to read the first book in this series "Once Upon a Marigold" than start in this book so you have the background knowledge, but if you can't find that book or aren't interested this book can be started here.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bean's Newest Doll :)

Hi, Here's my newest doll!!!

Wizard 101

I will be rating Wizard 101 off a scale from 1-10 in each of the areas below and then explaining why I chose this number.

Fun: 9, Wizard 101 is definitely a fun game, but there are some restricted places only for paying members. There are also some not fun games in the Fair area. Many times the arrow for quests leads you in the wrong direction. In Wizard 101 you can battle all sorts of monsters. It's definitely not the place for the easily-scared.

Customization: 10, Wizard 101's customization is awesome! In the beggining you take a quiz to see what school your "wizard" is in. There are 7 schools that are possible for your "wizard". You get to customize your character and pick from dozens of stellar hairstyle along with the color of your cloak. Once you get into the game you can collect money from quests and use this to buy new outfits and die your outfits and shoes different colors. Also during quests you can recieve new outfits, cloaks, and shoes that can add to your collection. You get to choose your name out of a list of really cool adjectives.

Safety: 6, In Wizard 101 there are 2 types of chat. There's one where you pick off a list of words and another where you type in words out of a supposed dictionary. the problem is that there doesn't seem to be any dictionary there. Anyone who plays can find ways to slip around the chat laws by using different things to represent something else. You can't type numbers just in case you offer up a phone number, but you can type numbers in a word form. The other type of chat is reasonably safe. If you pick that kind of chat for your child he/she can only see what people with the same kind of chat have said and not what people have typed in. I have not heard that it is possible to get a virus from Wizard101 so feel free to download it on to your computer but keep in mind that the more applications you have the more your computer will slow down.

Friends: 9, In Wizard101 you can battle with friends and form groups to battle in. You of course have to accept the friends before they go on your friend's list and it's better to tell your kids not to accept anyone on their friend's list that they don't know. That way it's safer for them.

Wizard 101 is a reasonably well made out site but the graphics could be better and some of the things above need some work as well. Find out more about Wizard 101 at:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chile Earthquake

After the Earthquake in Haiti we weren't expecting any more disaster, but now there has been an earthquake in Chile too. Apparently it has caused some sort of tsunami wave. Search: "Earthquake in Chile" to learn more.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guess What I Got!!!

The Imperial Guard

Boba Fett

Princess Leia

My mom went to Orlando for a conference and went to Downtown Disney. When she was there she got my brother and I a surprise. She got me a Princess Leia lego. This is the Princess Leia from Jabba the Hutt's Palace and when she's a slave. She's got the overall Princess Leia face and a light brown pigtail which is slightly lighter than the original pigtail and with more ridges. She's wearing a golden yellow bra thing. Her stomach is exposed and she has curved lines and a little belly button, so cute!!! She has like a skirt thing with a little embellishment at the top. I wish I had that skirt. It is so cute!!!
I love her!! Meanwhile my brother got Boba Fett lego!!! He has a helmet that goes down his back and a jet pack connected to the helmet. Both the helmet and the jet pack are dark green. It has brown around the edges and some black lines. It has a plain black head that contrasts wth the dark green. The shirt is gray with a green breast plate and little designs on it as if for buttns. He has a brown belt and gray gloved hands. He also comes with a black gun and gray pants.
My brother also got an Imperial Guard he is all red. He also has a black head with a cloak. The cloak comes behind him and his head is covered in a wrap. He as a red creased body and straight red pants and a red belt. He also has black gloved hands and comes with a black spear. I love all the legos that we got and I'm so excited to get more one day.

Princess Leia

Monday, February 15, 2010

Guess what this is about??;


Samantha Potter

You might have heard of Samantha Potter from the hit show project runway, but you'd never guess where she is now.
I'm writing a book called Samantha Potter about Harry Potter's daughter. Samantha is a girl from England who is sent to the US for a fake family and for refuge. At the age of eleven when the Muggle/Wizard war in England reaches a breaking point Samantha shows signs of magical skills and the Muggles are alerted to her presence. The thing is, Samantha Potter will be a great weapon in the hands of the muggles because they could threaten her with death if she did not use her magical powers for their side.
At this moment, Harry finds out that Samantha's twin brother James has been living on the same street as her for ten years. Samantha's guardian had no idea of course but then with no ceremony, Samantha's mother grabs James and Lily and sends them away to England on a plane, but not before they're shot down by an enemy fighter plane and sent careening to Earth...

"Samantha Potter empowers the very reader to feel the magic coursing through their veigns." - anonymous

"Samantha shows the troubles and challenges that a regular pre-teen girl goes through even though adding in those extra challenges that Samantha encounters." -anonymous

"Samantha Potter is a great read for the whole entire family...shows teenage empowerment [and] hanging onto the innocence that belongs in all of us."

"The start of a serious epic by Bean."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NEW eLouai's CandyBar 5 FullBody Doll Maker

Check out these dolls!!!! You can make your own. Just type in Search the title in the search bar and click the first link!!
It's so much fun!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dress-up Games that will ROCK UR WORLD

Check out these avatars I made! Just go to and click on Best Friends on the side bar. You'll find something called Candy Bar dress-up there!!! It's so awesome!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


New HPDH (harry potter deathly hallows pics!!!
I just got a new outfit. It's my normal "Bongo" jeans (those aren't new), but I also have a new top from Target. It's long (longer than my hips at least) and gray. It has button coming all down the chest to the start of the upper stomach area. Then, like you know those layered gray skirts that have almost like steps. It's almost like that at the bottom, but it's not cut out. Then I have my hair up and all pulled to the side in a pigtail. I SO love this outfit!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

IDK What That Is???? Naw!!!

Hmmmmm.... We all are interested in Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows. The person that posted this pic didn't know what this scene was of, but those of us who know Harry Potter well enough can tell exactly what part of the movie this is. Do YOU know? OK=
#1 and most important: OBV. OBV. This is of Harry walking through the forest following the DOE patronus!!! OMG I know!!! That means this is the night that Ron comes back, saves Harry, destroys the Horcrux and gets Hermione really angry... AWWW!!!! This makes me so excited!!!!